Ran four miles. OK Colorado Springs has officially become Seattle, WA. Not that you care about weather stats, but we've had 7" of rain in the last ten days. K-razy. Thus I got to run in the rain again. Earlier in the day my wife had mentioned that a 4 mile loop that follows a trail along a ravine would be crazy due to the immense amounts of rain we have had and were having. Thus this determined my route for the day. Followed the path, there were a couple river fordings and such which were entertaining. The part that was not entertaining was my stomach. (Warning: disgusting discussion about to ensue.) So about a mile in, it hit. You know that, oh dang I need to use the can right now feeling. However in this case I told myself ahhh you can make it. Well truth is, I didn't make it. Thankfully I wasn't on a city street and had some smallish bushes to squat near, but the truth came out. Anyone else ever experience this? Does this count as a notch in my running belt? Yeah I'd go into the gory details, but nobody wants to hear that, or shake my hand in the near future... 4 miles in 48 minutes including "pit stop" time.