Day 246

Well I did my 2.05 miles in 23:30 and ran through the park that seems to be populated by drug dealers of late?  But the real thing to write is what I failed to mention on Monday.  She told me in no uncertain terms not to write anything but I can't help myself.  On Monday the wifey ran her THIRD marathon.  To me this is incredible.  Here is the marathon.  She had run this one two years ago and this is her first since the birth of our third child.  Amazing.  I am the extremely proud husband and captain of the support team.  Me and the chilruns were out with some serious signage, whistles, megaphones, and a cowbell.  I think we take the support team award for loudest, most visible, and perhaps most obnoxious.   It was a nice day though the organization wasn't great.  The race started 35 minutes late due to a bus mixup and when it wound up getting over 80 degrees I think all the runners were wishing they had started at the scheduled time.  The wifey ran great, despite having some serious stomach problems that kept her from goal time.  I think most people (including me) would have quit, but she pushed through the pain and finished strong.  We are very proud.  Keep on keepin' on, we're ready to cheer you on for the next one!
