Day 359 - Take it off, take it all off.

So they don't normally receive a lot of snow in Portland, OR. However in our case, right now it is a white Christmas. Mandatory chain use, still a foot or so of snow on the ground, and lots of ice everywhere makes for some insane running. Thankfully I got to do it with my wifey. She makes it fun. When the drivers give you the "What the heck are you idiots doing outside?" looks she gives them a sweet grin and then runs faster than they are driving. The sidewalks were completely entombed and thus we were running in the tracks on the street for the most part, jumping around avoiding cars. She also makes it fun when my brain goes running-delirious and I say something like hey, dare me to run shirtless? She says "double dog dare." Then after another mile when I say, hey dare me to run pantsless? She says "uhh for the sake of not causing traffic accidents, lets hold off on that....." She is fun. So it may have been the slowest 4.75 miles ever due to the slipping and sliding and ice, and slush, but it was one of the most fun. 57:14.
