In two hours and twelve minutes, Tim Parr can run to the top of Pikes Peak.
In two hours and eighteen minutes, this guy runs eighteen miles. (Though I don't think it was in this suit...)
In two hours and three minutes Haile Gebreselassie runs a marathon.
Me? I run twelve miles in two hours and eighteen minutes and think I'm pretty hawtsawss.
Simply put, being slow stinks. I think to better help my rationalization I should no longer report runs in actual mileage, but only use time. It sounds better that way.
I did have one of those classic moments during the run. On the way out, running on a sparsely populated dirt road a truck passed me. The passengers looked at me as if I was crazy to be running in the middle of nowhere and slowly passed, as if pondering whether to ask me if I needed rescue. Then an hour or so later as I was coming back the other way, the same truck passed me again! Now suddenly my crazy runner uberness goes up a notch, as the passengers of the truck recognize me and realize I've been running for all this time. The slack-jawed kid in the back was the icing on the cake.
623 12.0 in 2:18:04
Damn good job on your 12 :)