Day 624-626 Today we ran

Today we ran. Today we accomplished something. Today if nothing else went right, if everything else failed, there was one thing that was successful. Today there was at least one thing we DID and didn't just think about. Today we chose to do something we didn't have to do. Today we could have given up, but we didn't. Today we ran.

To all those who ran today I say, well done.

624 1.0 in 12:14
625 1.0 in 10:42
626 2.35 in 23:15


Linnea said…
I RAN!! Me! I'm a runner! A hideously slow, hobbler who sweats after 30 seconds, feels the rest of her body "fall"ow through with each step and who's pr for a half is the pr for most people's full marathon, dreamer of a runner, but a runner! I could have walked faster but I chose to run instead! I could of slept longer but I chose to run instead! I could have cried about gaining thirty pounds since college but I chose to run instead! I am a runner.
Ace said…
@Your Hunger Defines You
Run on friend!