Yeah me too.
I have a race this weekend. I am doing the Xterra Trail Half-Marathon. I registered a few days ago. I've been thinking about this rash decision and come up with this analysis.
Reasons this was an amazingly bad idea:
1. I have all of three runs over ten miles in the last two months. All on flat lands. At extremely slow pace.
2. I haven't run any trails since June.
3. My knee has been aching a bit of late.
4. I didn't really notice there was 2000' of elevation gain until after I registered.
5. Bad weather is moving in...
6. The aid stations have no horse tranquilizers.
Reasons this is an amazingly good idea:
1. Its crazy.
Thus I assume there will be another race report forthcoming sometime after Saturday.
Just for fun here is the elevation profile....

638 1.0 in 11:52
639 2.35 in 25:52