Thanks for all the congrats. I feel pretty good about having set a goal and actually achieving it. The part I didn't mention in Day 366's post was that I seem to have hurt my back in a couple different places. Lower back pain plus a strained muscle in my back leave me unable to stand up straight for any length of time. Thus running lately has been pure joy. Probably the worst days of running in the streak have been yesterday and today. Today it was 1.0 in about 14:45 minutes of waddling (still technically running) and groaning, moaning, and bending over while running. It wasn't pretty, but its done. Hopefully it gets better soon.
As for next year, good question. One proposal that sounded nice was 365 days of no running. My friend in Iraq is proposing a marathon, but that sounds like a whole lot of pain and suffering to me. Running. Who'da thunk it?
For a resolution try something on your new property. Fence building ... ditch digging ...planting trees....pouring footing for the sheds etc.