
Day 364

Day 363 - A Track + A Chick + Me = Me getting chicked

Day 362

Day 361

Day 360 - Merry Christmas

Day 359 - Take it off, take it all off.

Day 358 - one more at home

Random musings

Week 51

Day 357

Day 356 - I haven't given up yet.....

Day 355 - Anyone up for the 50meter kids' fun run?

Day 354 - This also doesn't help much

Day 353 - Hit it!

Day 352 - Off the wagon?

Day 351 - What it is

Week Fitty

Day 3-fitty...

Day 349 - me = Kirk Douglas

Day 348

Day 347

Day - 346

Day 345 - unnnnngggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh

Day 344

Week 49

Day 343 = 700

Day 342 - I Light Up the Night!

Day 341 Running on Poo

Day 340

Day 339 - A New Invention!

Day 338

Day 337

Week 48

Vote in the new exciting poll

Day 336

Day 335 - Best non-wifey run ever!

Day 334 - run with the wifey

Day 333 - fully carbo loaded...on turkey and pumpkin pie

Day 332 -

Day 331 - a trio of three sets of three, wish it were day 333

Day 330 - Land of the Lost 1.0 mile runs

Week 47 - the not so perfect '10'

Day 329

Day 328 - New Training Plan

Day 327 40 Days and 40 nights

Day 326 - yes it is possible

Day 325

Day 324 - running at the Mall

Day 323 - the witty well has run dry

Week 46

Day 322 - Another day

Day 321 - Washington and me

Day 320 me=hawtsawss aka Excellent and Low

Day 316, 317, 318, 319

Week 45

Day 315 - The Perfect Storm - when running can feel so right, and be so wrong

Day 314

Day 313

Day 312 - the why am I doing this days are these

Day 311 - getting sick

Day 310

Day 309

Week 44

Day 308 - 8 weeks to go.

Day 307 - Angry blog postings goeth before the fall

Day 306 - Waddlin around town.

Day 305 - rest day!

Day 304 - Them's Fightin' Words!

Day 303 - the usual jive

Day 302 - In the still of the night

Week 43

Day 301 - The eight miler that never was.

Day 300 - Guess I should have celebrated or something

Day 299 - plan? what plan?

Day 298 - rest?

Day 297 - Starting the program

Day 296

Day 296

Week 42 - Ten weeks left in the year!

Day 295 - a bit later.

Day 294 - Lightsaber coming out of my head/beating the bunny/why not?

Day 291, 292, 293

Day 290

Day 289

Day 288 - baking a bun

Week 41

Day 287

Day 286

Day 285

Day 284

Day 283

Day 282

Day 281

Week 40


Day 275,276,277,278,279

September to Remember

Day 274 - one more day

Week 39

Day 273 - the run into the sun

Day 272 - this feels familiar

Day 271 - Mmmm hashbrowns

Day 270 - I'm a Yes Man!

Day 269 - The Turtleboys count the turtles

Day 268 - Under the Mendoza line

Day 267 - Back in Black

Week 38 - 2.0 and ready to go

Day 266 - Centurions

Day 265 - Have you ever wondered?

Day 264 24 hr drive-through

Day 263 - ctrl-c, ctrl-v

Day 262 - Mirrors and Introspection

Day 261 - Hominy and Grits

Day 260 - chasing the triplets

Week 37 - the week of the 8' furry banana

Day 259 - put another log on the fire

Day 258

Day 257

Day 256

Day 255

Day 254

Day 253

Week 36 Totals

Day 252

Day 251

Day 250

Day 249

Day 248

Day 247

Day 246

Week 35 totals

Day 245

Day 244

Day 243